
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Upcoming Events

Some things for your calendar, Wilmonites. You can probably search for these on the web or on Facebook, but if you need more details, post a note on my Facebook page.

1/13 @4, photo shoot at Union City Grille +1/2 price tinis & prob. some sample bites. 

Friday night (1/14), Gallery 1901 opens. 

Saturday (1/15) is Disco night @Club 3. Also on 1/15-Melomanie (contemporary and classical music) @Grace Church, about 80 minutes long. 

Lucy starts at DE Theatre Co on 1/19--which should be 2 hours of very moving theatre. 

LGBT happy hour @Piccolina Toscana, 1/20. 

Next month's re:Fresh is Film Brothers & there'll be 3 new art loop venues on that block.

2/3-2/5, Green Room hosts a special chef and offers special menus. Also, Hotel duPont is now doing cupcake afternoon tea daily 3-4:30pm. 

2/19 DHA's Muttini Mixer. Jazz at Basil on Friday night and also weekends at The Nomad Bar (I think it's open regularly now.)

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